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Séminaires du Dr Talbi Abdelhak CRAAG.



Dr Talbi Abdelhak a présenté un séminaire intitulé "Modeling Earthquake Occurence Process" à la bibliothèque du CRAAG le mercredi 18 avril 2018 à 10h00.




Earthquakes can be identified as point process occurrences in the space-time-energy domain. Several models proved their efficiency in reproducing not only the overall behavior but also some typical patternsobserved in seismicity. This presentation introduces basics of modeling strategies which are shared by broad range of scientific fields, with special emphasis on applications in seismology. Modeling issues are discussed using typical examples analyzed step by step including formulation of model hypothesis, development of linking between different variables, and outputs testing.






Centre de Recherche en Astronomie Astrophysique et Géophysique


Route de l'Observatoire B.P 63 Bouzareah Alger Algérie

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