Publications Scientifiques
Dr Kherroubi Abdelaziz
Scopus :
Dr Ayadi Abdelhakim
Scopus :
Researchgate :
Abbes, K., A. Ayadi, F. Ousadou, Y. Bouhadad, J. Karich, N. Benkaci, M. Bezzeghoud, D. Bouziane and A. Slimani (2022). Seismicity and Seismotectonics of the Mitidja Basin Southern Edge (Tell Atlas, Algeria): Case Study of the Hammam Melouane Region. Pure Appl. Geophys. 179, 3217–3235 (2022).
Aguemoune S., F. Hocine, A. Belhadj Aissa, and A. Ayadi (2014), « 2-D Phase Unwrapping Algorithm Based on Pseudocorrelation Quality Map, » Journal of Image and Graphics, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 94-99, December 2014. doi: 10.12720/joig.2.2.94-99.
Aguemoune S., A. Ayadi, A. Belhadj-Aissa, M. Bezzeghoud (2019). A novel interpolation method for InSAR atmospheric wet delay correction. Journal of Applied Geophysics, DOI.10.1016/j.jappgeo.2019.02.013.
Aguemoune S., A. Ayadi, A. Belhadj-Aissa, and M.Bezzeghoud (2022). Surface Deformation Monitoring from SAR Interferometry for Seismic Hazard Assessment Around Major Active Faults: Case of Zemmouri Earthquake (Algeria). In: Meghraoui, M., et al. Advances in Geophysics, Tectonics and Petroleum Geosciences. CAJG 2019. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation. Springer, Cham.
Ait Ouali A., A. Issaadi, A. Ayadi and K. Imessad (2019). The Role of Geothermal Waters in Sustainable Development Application of Main North Center Algerian Hot Springs (Righa, Biban, Ksena). European Journal of Sustainable Development, 8(4), 30. Doi:/10.14207/ejsd.2019.v8n4p30.
Ait Ouali A., A. Issaadi, D. Maizi, A. Ayadi and A. Bouhdjar (2019). Geothermal potential in the Ouarsenis-Biban-Kabylie (North Central Algeria): hot spring catalogue. Arab J Geosci 12, 741 (2019). Doi:/10.1007/s12517-019-4945-4.
Manso M., M. Bezzeghoud, J. Borges, B. Caldeira and A. Ayadi (2020). High-density seismic network for monitoring Alentejo region (Portugal) and Mitidja basin region (Algeria). Arab J Geosci 13, 976 (2020). Doi:/10.1007/s12517-020-05972-w
Ayadi A., M. Bezzeghoud, 1991. Contribution au plan de sauvegarde de la ville de TIPASA, Ed. l’UNESCO, Paris.
Ayadi A., D. Laouici, F. Idjeraoui, 1992. Etude du site archéologique Romain de Tipasa par la méthode électrique. Revue d’Archéométrie,16, PP. 13 à19.
Ayadi A., C. Dorbath, A. Lesquer, M. Bezzeghoud (2000). Lithospheric Structure under the Hoggar Swell (Central Sahara, southern Algeria) – Teleseismic Tomography of the upper Mantle. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 84, P 235-246.
Ayadi A., F. Ayadi-Ousadou, S. Bourouis, and H. Benhallou (2002). Mascara earthquake of August 18th 1994, M=5.6 (Ms=6.0), Seismotectonic aspects in relation with the seismic quietness of the Oranie Region, Algeria, Journal of Seismology, 6: 13-23.
Ayadi A. (2003). Can plate motion survey by GPS measurements be considered as an alert system in earthquake occurrence ?. “Early Warning Systems for Natural Disaster Reduction” Book 829pp,, Chapter 5-14, P. 495 , Springer Edition, 2003, J. Zschau and A. Küppers Editors.
Ayadi A., S. Maouche, A. Harbi, M. Meghraoui, H. Beldjoudi, F. Oussadou, A. Mahsas, D. Benouar, A. Heddar, Y. Rouchiche, A. Kherroubi, M. Frougneux, K. Lammali, F. Benhamouda, A. Sebai, S. Bourouis, P. J. Alasset, A. Aoudia, Z. Cakir, M. Merahi, O. Nouar, A. Yelles, A. Bellik, P. Briole, O. Charad, F. Thouvenot, F. Semane, A. Ferkoul, A. Deramchi and S. A. Haned (2003). Strong Algerian Earthquake Strikes Near Capital City.. Eos-American Geophysical Union Transaction, Vol., 84, N°. 56, 16 December 2003.
Ayadi A., C. Dorbath, F. Ousadou, S. Maouche, M. Chikh, M. A. Bounif, M. Meghraoui (2008). The Zemmouri earthquake rupture zone (Mw 6.8, Algeria):Aftershocks sequence relocation and 3D velocity model. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 113, B09301, doi:10.129/2007JB005257, 2008.
Ayadi A. & A. Aini (2009). Risques naturels et technologiques–Importance d’une demarche unifiee. Revue Preventique Securité (France),
Ayadi A., C. Dorbath, F. Ousadou, S. Maouche, M. Chikh, M. A. Bounif and M. Meghraoui (2010). Reply to comment by J. Déverchère et al. on “Zemmouri earthquake rupture zone (Mw 6.8, Algeria): Aftershocks sequence relocation and 3D velocity model” Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, Volume 115, Issue B4, April 2010, DOI: 10.1029/2009JB006705
Ayadi A. And M. Bezzeghoud (2015). Seismicity of Algeria from 1365 to 2013: Maximum Observed Intensity Map (MOI2014), Seismological Research Letter,Early Edition, 86, 1, 236-244, doi: 10.1785/0220140075.
Ayadi A., F. Ousadou, K. Roumane, A. Harbi, S. Maouche, M. Bezzeghoud and M. Meghraoui (2021). An update of Algerian’s seismic Catalog from historical seismicity, Archeoseismological and Paleoseismological studies. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Arab J Geosci 14, 1025 (2021).
Ayadi A., F. Ousadou, K. Roumane, A. Harbi, S. Maouche, M. Bezzeghoud and M. Meghraoui (2021). Algerian’s Seismic Catalogue Completeness from Historical Instrumental Monitoring, Archeoseismological and Paleoseismological Studies. In: Meghraoui, M., et al. Advances in Geophysics, Tectonics and Petroleum Geosciences. CAJG 2019. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation. Springer, Cham.
Belhai D., H. Chennaoui-Aoudjehane, D. Baratoux, L. Ferrière, A. Lamali, R. Sahoui, P. Lambert and A. Ayadi (2017). The fourth Arab Impact Cratering and Astrogeology Conference (AICAC IV), April 9–12, 2017, Algiers (Algeria). Meteoritics and Planetary Sciences, 52 (9), pp. 2067-2071.
Benbelkacem, N., F. Ousadou, & A. Ayadi, (2023). Empirical calibration of earthquake magnitudes for the Tell Atlas (Northern Algeria). Med. Geosc. Rev. 4, 445–452 (2022).
Benfedda A., K. Abbes, A. Ayadi, S. Maouche, Y. Bouhaddad, M.S. Boughacha and M. Bezzeghoud (2023). Source rupture process of the March 18th, 2021, Mw6.0 Béjaia (Algeria) earthquake associated with the Western segment-A link with the August 1856 Djidjelli earthquakes (Io=VIII, M³6). Physics of the Earth and Planetary Intereriors,
Bezzeghoud M., A. Ayadi, A. Sebaï and H. Benhallou, (1994). Seismogenic zones survey by Algerian Telemetred Seismological Network, Case study of Rouina earthquake of January, 19th, 1992. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 84,P 235-246.
Bezzeghoud M., A. Ayadi, A. Sebaï and H. Benhallou, 1994. Seismogenic zones survey by Algerian Telemetred Seismological Network, Case study of Rouina earthquake of January, 19th, 1992. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors (Elsevier) 84,P 235-246.
Bezzeghoud M., A. Ayadi, A. Sebaï, M. Aït Messaoud, A. Mokrane and H. Benhallou, (1996). Seismicity of Algeria Between 1365 and 1989. Map of Maximum Observed Intensities (MOI). Avances en Geofisica y Geodesia, Vol.1,ano 1, (Instituto Geografico Nacional Eds), p 107-114.
Bezzeghoud M., A. Ayadi, B. Caldera, J. Fontiela, J. F. Borges (2017). Los mayores sismos en Argelia en la época moderna: las fallas de El Asnam y Zemmouri-Boumerdès. [en] The largest earthquakes in Algeria in the modern period: the El Asnam and Zemmouri-Boumerdès faults. Fisica de la Tierra, 29 (2017), 183-202.
Bezzeghoud M. and A. Ayadi (2022). The history of seismology and historical seismicity in Algeria: an overview. Med. Geosc. Rev. 4, 361–381 (2022).
Boughacha M. S., M. Ouyed, A. Ayadi and H. Benhallou, (2004). Seismicity and seismic hazard mapping of the northern Algeria : Map of Maximum Calculated Intensities (MCI), Journal of Seismology, Vol. 8, N°1, pp. 1-10.
Bounif, A. C. Dorbath, A. Ayadi, M. Meghraoui, H. Beldjoudi, N Laouami, M. Frogneux, A. Slimani, P. J. Alasset, A. Kharroubi, F. Ousadou, M. Chikh, A. Harbi, S. Larbes and S. Maouche, (2004). The 21 May 2003 Zemmouri (Algeria) earthquake Mw 6.8:relocation and aftershock sequence analysis, Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 31, No. 19, L1960610.1029/2004GL020586.
Harbi A., S. Maouche and A. Ayadi, 1998. Neotectonics and associated seismicity in the Eastern Tellian Atlas of Alegria. Journal of Seismology, (Springer Eds) Vol. 3, N° 1, PP. 95-104.
Harbi A., S. Maouche and A. Ayadi, (1999). Neotectonics and associated seismicity in the Eastern Tellian Atlas of Alegria. Journal of Seismology, Vol. 3, N° 1, PP. 95-104.
Harbi A., S. Maouche, A. Ayadi, M. Meghraoui, A. Ferkoul, Y. Rouchiche, A. Heddar, F. Ousadou, P.J. Alasset, M. Merahi, and the ZEMS Team, 2004. The Mw=6.8 Zemmouri earthquake of 21 May 2003 : macroseismic study and insights for the seismic hazard assessment in northern Algeria. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 6, 05866, European Geosciences Union EGU 2004.
Harbi A., S. Maouche, A. Ayadi, D. Benouar, G. F. Panza, H. Benhallou 2004. Seismicity and tectonic structures in the site of Algiers and its surroundings. XXIX General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Potsdam, Germany September 12617, 2004.
Harbi A., S. Maouche, D. Benouar, F. Ousadou, A. Ayadi 2004. Re-appraisal of historical seismicity in the north-eastern Algeria: case study of an unknown strong seismic event. XXIX General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Potsdam, Germany September 12617, 2004
Harbi A., S. Maouche, A. Ayadi, D. Benouar, G. F. Panza and H. Benhallou. (2004). Seismicity and tectonic structures in the site of Algiers and its surroundings : a step towards microzonation. Journal of Pure and Applied Geophysics,DOI 10.1007/s00024-003-2502-1.
Harbi A., S. Maouche, F. Ousadou, Y. Rouchiche, A. Yelles-Chaouche, M. Merahi, A. Heddar, O. Nouar, A. Kherroubi, H. Beldjoudi, A. Ayadi and D. Benouar. (2007). Macroseismic study of the Zemmouri Earthquake of 21 May 2003 (Mw 6.9, Algeria). Earthquake Spectra, May 2007, Vol. 23, Issue 2, PP. 315-332.
Harbi A., A. Sebaï, M. Benmedjber, F. Ousadou, Y. Rouchiche, A. Grigahcene, D. Aïni, S. Bourouis, S. Maouche, and A. Ayadi (2015). The Algerian Homogenized Macroseismic Database (267–1989): A Deeper Insight into the Algerian Historical Seismicity. Seismological Research Letter, 86, 6, 1705-1716, doi:10.1785/0220150092.
Kariche J., M. Meghraoui, A. Ayadi and M. S. Boughacha (2017). Stress Change and Fault Interaction from a Two Century‐Long Earthquake Sequence in the Central Tell Atlas, Algeria. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (2017) 107 (6): 2624-2635.
Lin J., R.S. Stein, M. Meghraoui, S. Toda, A. Ayadi, C. Dorbath and S. Belabbes, (2011). Stress transfer among en echelon and opposing thrusts and tear faults: Triggering caused by the 2003 Mw = 6.9 Zemmouri, Algeria, earthquake, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, Volume 116, Issue B3, March 2011, DOI: 10.1029/2010JB007654
Manso M., M. Bezzeghoud, J. Borges, B. Caldeira and A. Ayadi (2020). High-density seismic network for monitoring Alentejo region (Portugal) and Mitidja basin region (Algeria). Arab J Geosci 13, 976 (2020).
Manso, M., Bezzeghoud, M., Borges, J., Caldeira, B., Fontiela, J., Ayadi, A. (2022). High-density Seismic Network for Monitoring Alentejo Region (Portugal) and Mitidja Basin Region (Algeria). In: Meghraoui, M., et al. Advances in Geophysics, Tectonics and Petroleum Geosciences. CAJG 2019. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation. Springer, Cham.
Maouche S., Y. Bouhadad, A. Harbi, Y. Rouchiche, F. Ousadou, A. Ayadi (2019). Active Tectonics and Seismic Hazard in the Tell Atlas (Northern Algeria): A Review. In: Bendaoud A., Hamimi Z., Hamoudi M., Djemai S., Zoheir B. (eds) The Geology of the Arab World—An Overview. Springer Geology.
Meghraoui, M., Benhamouda, F., Chemaa, B., Cakir, Z., Ayadi A., Maouche S. et Aoudia A., 2003. Déformation Cosismique ety Soulevement de la côte Associés au Tremblement de Terre de Zemmouri (21 mai 2003, Mw=6.8). Bulletin des Sciences Géographiques, N° 12, PP, 13-17, Octobre 2003, INCT (Institut National de Cartographie et de Télédétection Eds), Alger, Algérie.
Meghraoui M., S. Maouche, B. Chemaa, Z. Cakir, A. Aoudia, A. Harbi, P.-J. Alasset, A. Ayadi, Y. Bouhadad & F. Benhamouda, (2004). Coastal uplift and thrust faulting associated with the Mw=6.8 Zemmouri (Algeria) earthquake of 21 May, 2003, Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 31, No. 19, L1960510.1029/2004GL020466.
Meghraoui M., P. Amnponsah, A. Ayadi, A. Ayele, B. Ateba, A. Bensuleman, D. Delvaux, M. El Gabry, R. M. Fernadez, V. Midzi, M. Roos and Y. Timoulali (2016). Seismotectonic Map of Africa, Episode, Vol. 39 N°1, pp. 9-18
Mokrane A., A. Aït Messaoud, Sébaï A., N. Menia, A. Ayadi, M. Bezzeghoud, (1994). Les séismes en Algérie de 1365 à 1992. Publication ESS/CRAAG, Alger, 277 p.
Mourabit T., K. M. Abou Elenean, A. Ayadi, D. Benouar, A. Ben Suleiman, M. Bezzeghoud, A. Cheddadi, M. Chourak, M. N. ElGabry, A. Harbi, M. Hfaeiedh, H. M. Hussein, J. Kacem, A. Ksentini, N. Jabour, A. Magrin, S. Maouche, M. Meghraoui, F. Ousadou, G. F. Panza, A. Peresan, N. Romdhane, F. Vaccari and E. Zuccolo (2013). Journal of Seismology, DOI 10.1007/s10950-013-9375-2.
Ousadou F., L. Dorbath, A. Ayadi, C. Dorbath, and S. Gharbi (2014). Stress field variations along the Maghreb region derived from inversion of major seismic crisis fault plane solutions. Tectonophysics, DOI 10.1016/j.tecto. 2014.06.017.
Giuliano F. Panza, Leonardo Alvarez, Abdelkrim Aoudia, Abdelhakim Ayadi, Hadj Benhallou, Djillali Benouar, Zoltan Bus, Yun-Tai Chen, Carmen Cioflan, Zhifeng Ding, Attia El-Sayed, Julio Garcia, Bartolomeo Garofalo, Alexander Gorshkov, Katalin Gribovszki, Assia Harbi, Panagiotis Hatzidimitriou, Marijan Herak, Mihaela Kouteva, Igor Kuznetzov,Ivan Lokmer, Said Maouche, Gheorghe Marmureanu, Margarita Matova, Maddalena Natale, Concettina Nunziata, Imtyaz Parvez, Ivanka Paskaleva, Ramon Pico, Mircea Radulian, Fabio Romanelli, Alexander Soloviev, Peter Suhadolc, Gyõzõ Szeidovitz, Petros Triantafyllidis, Franco Vaccari.(2002). « Realistic Modeling of Seismic Input for Megacities and Large Urban Areas, the UNESCO-IUGS-IGCP project 414 », Episodes, (International Union of Geological Scineces Journal) Volume 25, No. 3, March 2002.
Roumane K. and A. Ayadi (2019). Archaeoseismology in Algeria: Observed Damages Related to Probable Past Earthquakes on Archaeological Remains on Roman Sites (Tel Atlas of Algeria). In: Bendaoud A., Hamimi Z., Hamoudi M., Djemai S., Zoheir B. (eds) The Geology of the Arab World—An Overview. Springer Geology.
Dr Sebai Amel
Sebaï A, Bernard P (2008) Contribution à la connaissance de la sismicité d’Alger et de ses alentours au XVIIIe siècle, extraite des archives françaises. C R Geosci 340:495–512
Harbi A, Sebaï A, Benmedjber M, Ousadou F, Rouchiche Y, Grigahcene A, Aïni D, Bourouis S, Maouche S, Ayadi A (2015) The Algerian homogenized macroseismic database (267–1989): a deeper insight into the Algerian historical seismicity. Seismol Res Lett 86(6):1705–1716.
Harbi A, A. Sebaï, Y. Rouchiche, S. Maouche, F. Ousadou, K. Abbès, D. Ait Benamar, M. Benmedjber (2017) Reappraisal of the seismicity of the southern edge of the Mitidja basin (Blida region, North-Central Algeria). Seismol Res Lett 88(4).
Harbi A., A. Sebaï,Y. Rouchiche, R. Kherchouche (2020) Short note on the contribution of newspapers and periodicals of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries to the discovery of new historical earthquakes in Algeria. J Seismol 24: 1281-1289.
Dr Radi Zohir
LAMIRI, Selma, RADI, Zahir, et LAYADI, Khalissa. Geodynamic evolution of north-east Algerian basin: 3D velocity madel Reveals high-temperature flow.Journal of African Earth Sciences, 2024, vol. 209, p. 105122.
S.Belabas, K. Layadi, Z. Radi, M.Hamlaui, A. Mosbah. Seismic Anisotropy of SilicaNanostructure Polymorph under Hight-Pressure of the Earth’s Mantle
Condition. Tob Regul Sei, TM 2023;(9):4141-4153.
Radi, S. Tlili, K. Layadi, L. Louail, A. Yells-Chaouche, Y. Madhekour, S. Guettouche. Elastic properties of Si02 nanostructure in high-pressure conditions.Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and BiostructuresVolume 18, Number 1, January – March 2023.001: 1 0.15251/DJNB.2023.181 .263.
Radi Z, Chaouche AY, Guettouche S, Bokelmann G. Upper Mantle Anisotropy beneath Northern Algeria from Shear-Wave Splitting: Anisotropy beneath Northern Algeria. Ann. Geophys. [Internet]. 2023Feb.16 [cited 2023Mar.23];66. Available from:
Radi, Z. and A. Yel les-Chaouche (2022). Shear velocity structure beneath Northern Algeria from Rayleigh-wave analysis, J. African Earth Sei., 186, 104446.
Radi, Z., A. Yelles-Chaouche, V. Corchete and S. Guettouche (2017). Crust and upper mantle shear wave structure of Northeast Algeria from Rayleigh wave dispersion analysis, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 270, 84-89.
Radi, Z., A. Yelles-Chaouche and G. Bokelmann (2015). Seismic anisotropy of
northeastern Algeria from shear-wave splitting analysis, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 248, 73-82.
Dr Dabouz Ghania
Scopus :
DABOUZ, G., BELDJOUDI, H., DELOUIS, B., BOULAHIA, O., MOHAMMEDI, Y. et YELLESCHAOUCHE, A. (2021). The 2007 medea seismic sequence, north-central algeria : Source parameters, stress tensor, and static stress changes. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 178(9) : 3313–3337.
DABOUZ, G., and beldjoudi, H., 2019, Interaction Faults in the North-West of the Mitidja Basin: Chenoua–Tipasa–Ain Benian Earthquakes (1989–1996), On Significant Applications of Geophysical Methods, Springer, p. 261-263.
KHELIF, M., YELLES-CHAOUCHE, A., BENAISSA, Z., SEMMANE, F., BELDJOUDI, H., HANED, A., ISSAADI, A., CHAMI, A., CHIMOUNI, R., HARBI, A., MAOUCHE,S.,DABBOUZ,G AND AIDI,C 2018, The 2016 Mihoub (north-central Algeria) earthquake sequence: seismological and tectonic aspects: Tectonophysics, v. 736, p. 62-74.
Dr Boulahia Oualid
Scopus :
RAHMANI, ST., ABACHA, I., BOULAHIA, O., YELLES-CHAOUCHE, A., CRESPO-MARTIN, C., and ROUBECHE, K. Time-dependent and spatio-temporal statistical analysis of seismicity: application on the complete data set of the 2010 Beni–Ilmane earthquake sequence, Geophysical Journal International, Volume 236, Issue 3, March 2024, Pages 1246–1261,
YELLES-CHAOUCHE, A., ABACHA, I., BOULAHIA, O., BELDJOUDI, H., AIDI, C., BENDJAMA, H., TIKHAMARINE, EM.,MOHAMMEDI, Y., CHAMI, A.,CHIMOUNI, R., and KHERROUBI, A.(2023). The 2021– 2022 Mw 6.0 Bejaia Bay, NE Algeria, earthquake sequence: tectonic implications at the Algerian margin between lesser and greater Kabylian blocks. Acta Geophys.
ABACHA, I., BOULAHIA, O., YELLES-CHAOUCHE, A., BENDJAMA, H., FOSSEN, H., CHABOU, MC., ROUBECHE, K., RAHMANI, ST., TIKHAMARINE, EM., MOHAMMEDI, Y., and AIDI, C. (2023). The 24 January 2020 Mw 5.0 El Aouana Earthquake, Northeastern Algeria: Insights into a New NW–SE Right-Lateral Bejaia-Babors Shear Zone. Pure Appl. Geophys. 180, 1945–1971.
ABACHA, I., BENDJAMA, H, BOULAHIA, O., YELLES-CHAOUCHE, A., ROUBECHE, K., RAHMANI, ST, MELIAM, MA., and TIKHAMARINE, EM. (2023). Fluid-driven processes triggering the 2010 Beni-Ilmane earthquake sequence (Algeria): Evidence from local earthquake tomography and 4-D Vp/Vs models. J Seismol 27, 77–94.
BOULAHIA, O. (2022). Identification, caractérisation et interaction des sources sismiques : Implication sur des séquences d’évènements sismiques de la période 2010-2021 dans le Nord-Est Algérien. PhD Thesis, UFAS1.
YELLES-CHAOUCHE, A., AIDI, C., BELDJOUDI, H., ABACHA, I., CHAMI, A., BOULAHIA, O., MOHAMMEDI, Y., CHIMOUNI, R., KHERROUBI, A., AZOUAOU, A. and BENDJAMA, H. (2022). The recent seismicity of northern Algeria: the 2006–2020 catalogue. Med. Geosc. Rev. 4, 407–426.
BOULAHIA, O., ABACHA, I., YELLES-CHAOUCHE, A., BENDJAMA, H. and KHERROUBI, A.(2022). Analysis of the Bejaia seismic sequence of 2012–2013, northeastern, Algeria. In MEGHRAOUI, M., SUNDARARAJAN, N., BANERJEE, S., HINZEN, K.-G., ESHAGH, M.,ROURE, F., CHAMINE, H. I., MAOUCHE, S. and MICHARD, A., editeurs : Advances in Geophysics,Tectonics and Petroleum Geosciences, pages 135–139, Cham. Springer International Publishing.
ABACHA, I., YELLES-CHAOUCHE, A. and BOULAHIA, O. (2022). Statistical study of earthquake swarms in northeastern Algeria with special reference to the ain azel swarm; hodna chain, 2015. In MEGHRAOUI, M., SUNDARARAJAN, N., BANERJEE, S., HINZEN, K. G., ESHAGH, M., ROURE, F., CHAMINE, H. I.,MAOUCHE, S. and MICHARD, A., editeurs : Advancesin Geophysics, Tectonics and Petroleum Geosciences, pages 145–148, Cham. Springer International Publishing.
BOULAHIA, O., ABACHA, I., YELLES-CHAOUCHE, A., BENDJAMA, H., KHERROUBI, A., MOHAMMEDI, Y., AIDI, C. and CHAMI, A. (2021). Recent seismic activity in the bejaia-babors region (northeastern algeria) : The case of the 2012 – 2013 bejaia earthquake sequences. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 178:1253–1279.
BENDJAMA, H., YELLES-CHAOUCHE, A., BOULAHIA, O., ABACHA, I., MOHAMMEDI, Y., BELDJOUDI, H., RAHMANI, S. T.-E. and BELHEOUANE, O. (2021). The march 2017 earthquake sequence along the e-wtrending aicha-debbagh fault, northeast algeria. Geosciences Journal, 25(5):697–713
YELLES-CHAOUCHE, A., ABACHA, I., BOULAHIA, O., AIDI, C., CHAMI, A., BELHEOUANE, A., RAHMANI, S. T.-E., and ROUBECHE, K. (2021). The 13 july 2019 mw 5.0 jijel earthquake, northern algeria : An indicator of active deformation along the eastern algerian margin. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 177:104-149.
DABOUZ, G., BELDJOUDI, H., DELOUIS, B., BOULAHIA, O., MOHAMMEDI, Y. et YELLESCHAOUCHE, A. (2021). The 2007 medea seismic sequence, north-central algeria : Source parameters, stress tensor, and static stress changes. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 178(9) : 3313–3337.
Dr Bendjama Hichem
Researchgate :
YELLES-CHAOUCHE, A., ABACHA, I., BOULAHIA, O., BELDJOUDI, H., AIDI, C., BENDJAMA, H., TIKHAMARINE, EM.,MOHAMMEDI, Y., CHAMI, A.,CHIMOUNI, R., and KHERROUBI, A.(2023). The 2021– 2022 Mw 6.0 Bejaia Bay, NE Algeria, earthquake sequence: tectonic implications at the Algerian margin between lesser and greater Kabylian blocks. Acta Geophys.
ABACHA, I., BOULAHIA, O., YELLES-CHAOUCHE, A., BENDJAMA, H., FOSSEN, H., CHABOU, MC., ROUBECHE, K., RAHMANI, ST., TIKHAMARINE, EM., MOHAMMEDI, Y., and AIDI, C. (2023). The 24 January 2020 Mw 5.0 El Aouana Earthquake, Northeastern Algeria: Insights into a New NW–SE Right-Lateral Bejaia-Babors Shear Zone. Pure Appl. Geophys. 180, 1945–1971.
ABACHA, I., BENDJAMA, H, BOULAHIA, O., YELLES-CHAOUCHE, A., ROUBECHE, K., RAHMANI, ST, MELIAM, MA., and TIKHAMARINE, EM. (2023). Fluid-driven processes triggering the 2010 Beni-Ilmane earthquake sequence (Algeria): Evidence from local earthquake tomography and 4-D Vp/Vs models. J Seismol 27, 77–94.
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Dr Oussadou Farida
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Dr Aguemoune Samir
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Dr issadi Abdelouahab
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Issaadi, A.; Semmane, F.; Yelles-Chaouche, A.; Galiana-Merino, J.; Layadi, K. A Shear-Wave Velocity Model in the City of Oued-Fodda (Northern Algeria) from Rayleigh Wave Ellipticity Inversion. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 1717.
Issaadi, A.; Semmane, F.; Yelles-Chaouche, A.; Galiana-Merino, J.J.; Mazari, A. Shallow S-wave velocity structure in the Middle-Chelif Basin, Algeria, using ambient vibration single-station and array measurements. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 11058.
Issaadi, A.; Saadi, A.; Semmane, F.; Yelles-Chaouche, A.; Galiana-Merino, J.J. Liquefaction Potential and Vs30 Structure in the Middle-Chelif Basin, Northwestern Algeria, by Ambient Vibration Data Inversion. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 8069.
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Mr Saadi Ahmed
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R Kherchouche, M Ouyed, A Aoudia, B Mellouk, A Saadi. Structure of the crust and uppermost mantle beneath the Sicily Channel from ambient noise and earthquake tomography. Ann. Geophys.2020. 63, SE666-SE666.
Issaadi, A.; Saadi, A.; Semmane, F.; Yelles-Chaouche, A.; Galiana-Merino, J.J. Liquefaction Potential and Vs30 Structure in the Middle-Chelif Basin, Northwestern Algeria, by Ambient Vibration Data Inversion. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 8069.
Saadi, A ; Issaadi, A ; Semmane, F ; Yelles-chaouche, A ; Galiana-Merino, JJ. 3D shear-wave velocity structure for Oran city, northwestern Algeria, from inversion of ambient vibration single-station and array measurements. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake engineering. 2023. 164, 107570.
K Layadi, F Semmane, A Yelles-Chaouche, A Saadi, R Chimouni. Site characterization of Algerian broadband seismic stations using earthquake and ambient vibration data: topographic and lithological site-effects investigation. Journal of Seismology. 2023. 27 (1), 45-7.
Mr Melouk Billel
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R Kherchouche, M Ouyed, A Aoudia, B Mellouk, A Saadi. Structure of the crust and uppermost mantle beneath the Sicily Channel from ambient noise and earthquake tomography. Ann. Geophys.2020. 63, SE666-SE666.
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Dr Aidi Chafik
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MF Khelif, A Yelles-Chaouche, Z Benaissa, F Semmane, H Beldjoudi, A Haned, A Issaadi, A Chami, R Chimouni, A Harbi, S Maouche, G Dabbouz, C Aidi, A Kherroubi. The 2016 Mihoub (north-central Algeria) earthquake sequence: seismological and tectonic aspects. Tectonophysics. 736, 62-74 2018.
A Yelles-Chaouche, MF Khelif, A Haned, A Chami, C Aidi, H Beldjoudi, A Kherroubi, Z Benaissa. The Algiers (north central Algeria) earthquake of August 1st, 2014 M w 5.5 in the Algiers Bay tectonic context. Journal of Seismology. 23 (2), 287-302. 2019
Y Mohammedi, AK Yelles-Chaouche, A Chami, MF Khelif, C Aidi, Mouloud Hamidatou, Nassim Hallal. The 02 January 2018 ML 5.0 Oued Djer Earthquake in the Seismotectonic Context of the Southwestern Mitidja Basin Area, North-Central Algeria. Pure & Applied Geophysics. 177 (2), 681-702. 2020.
O Boulahia, I Abacha, AK Yelles-Chaouche, H Bendjama, A Kherroubi, Y Mohammedi, C Aidi, A Chami. Recent Seismic Activity in the Bejaia–Babors Region (Northeastern Algeria): The Case of the 2012– 2013 Bejaia Earthquake Sequences. Pure and Applied Geophysics. 178 (4), 1253-1279. 2021.
A Yelles-Chaouche, I Abacha, O Boulahia, C Aidi, A Chami, A Belheouane, S.T Rahmani, K Roubeche. The 13 July 2019 Mw 5.0 Jijel Earthquake, northern Algeria: An indicator of active deformation along the eastern Algerian margin. Journal of African Earth Sciences. V 177, p 104149. 2021.
Klingelhoefer, J. Déverchère, D. Graindorge, C. Aïdi, R. Badji, B. Bouyahiaoui, A. Leprêtre, A. Mihoubi, M-O. Beslier, P. Charvis, P. Schnurle, F. Sage, M. Medaouri, M. Arab, R. Bracene, AK. Yelles-Chaouche, M. Badsi, A. Galvé, L. Géli. Formation, segmentation and deep crustal structure variations along the Algerian margin from the SPIRAL seismic experiment. Journal of African Earth Sciences. Vol 186, p 104433. 2022.
AbdelKarim Yelles-Chaouche, Chafik Aidi, Hamoud Beldjoudi, Issam Abacha, Adel Chami, Oualid Boulahia, Yahia Mohammedi, Redouane Chimouni, Abdelaziz Kherroubi, Azouaou Alilli, Hichem Bendjama. The recent seismicity of northern Algeria: the 2006–2020 catalogue. Mediterranean Geoscience Reviews, Vol 4 , p 407-426. 2022.
Khalissa Layadi, Fethi Semmane, Abdelkarim Yelles-Chaouche, Ahmed Saadi, Redouane Chimouni, Omar Haddad, Chafik Aïdi. Site characterization of Algerian broadband seismic stations using earthquake and ambient vibration data: topographic and lithological site-effects investigation. Jounal of seismology , Vol 27 p 45-75. 2023.
Issam Abacha, Oualid Boulahia, Abdelkarim Yelles-Chaouche, Hichem Bendjama, Haakon Fossen, Moulley Charaf Chabou, Khaled Roubeche, Sofiane Taki-Eddine Rahmani, El-Mahdi Tikhamarine,
Yahia Mohammedi, Chafik Aidi. The 24 January 2020 Mw 5.0 El Aouana Earthquake, Northeastern Algeria: Insights into a New NW–SE Right-Lateral Bejaia-Babors Shear Zone. Pure and Applied Geophysics, Vol181 p 1-27. 2023.
Dr Chimouni Redouane
Researchgate :
Yelles-Chaouche, A., Abacha, I., Boulahia, O., Beldjoudi, H., Aidi, C., Bendjama, H., Tikhamarine, E.-M., Mohammedi, Y., Chami, A., Chimouni, R., and Kherroubi, A. (2023). The 2021–2022 MW 6.0 Bejaia Bay, NE Algeria, earthquake sequence: Tectonic implications at the Algerian margin between lesser and greater kabylian blocks. Acta Geophysica.
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Saadi, A., A. Issaadi, F. Semmane, A. Yelles-Chaouche, J. J. Galiana Merino, K. Layadi, and R. Chimouni, 2023, 3D shear-wave velocity structure for Oran City, northwestern Algeria, from inversion of ambient vibration single-station and array measurements: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 164, p. 107570, doi:10.1016/j.soildyn.2022.107570.
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Chimouni, R., Harbi, A., Boughacha, M., Hamidatou, M., Kherchouche, R. and Sebaï, A., 2018. The 1790 Oran Earthquake, a Seismic Event in Times of Conflict along the Algerian Coast: A Critical Review from Western and Local Source Materials. Seismological Research Letters, 89(6), pp.2392-2403.
MF Khelif, A Yelles-Chaouche, Z Benaissa, F Semmane, H Beldjoudi, A Haned, A Issaadi, A Chami, R Chimouni, A Harbi, S Maouche, G Dabbouz, C Aidi, A Kherroubi. The 2016 Mihoub (north-central Algeria) earthquake sequence: seismological and tectonic aspects. Tectonophysics. 736, 62-74 2018.
Mr Chami Adel
MF Khelif, A Yelles-Chaouche, Z Benaissa, F Semmane, H Beldjoudi, A Haned, A Issaadi, A Chami, R Chimouni, A Harbi, S Maouche, G Dabbouz, C Aidi, A Kherroubi. The 2016 Mihoub (north-central Algeria) earthquake sequence: seismological and tectonic aspects. Tectonophysics. 736, 62-74 2018.
A Yelles-Chaouche, MF Khelif, A Haned, A Chami, C Aidi, H Beldjoudi, A Kherroubi, Z Benaissa. The Algiers (north central Algeria) earthquake of August 1st, 2014 M w 5.5 in the Algiers Bay tectonic context. Journal of Seismology. 23 (2), 287-302. 2019
Y Mohammedi, AK Yelles-Chaouche, A Chami, MF Khelif, C Aidi, Mouloud Hamidatou, Nassim Hallal. The 02 January 2018 ML 5.0 Oued Djer Earthquake in the Seismotectonic Context of the Southwestern Mitidja Basin Area, North-Central Algeria. Pure & Applied Geophysics. 177 (2), 681-702. 2020.
O Boulahia, I Abacha, AK Yelles-Chaouche, H Bendjama, A Kherroubi, Y Mohammedi, C Aidi, A Chami. Recent Seismic Activity in the Bejaia–Babors Region (Northeastern Algeria): The Case of the 2012– 2013 Bejaia Earthquake Sequences. Pure and Applied Geophysics. 178 (4), 1253-1279. 2021.
A Yelles-Chaouche, I Abacha, O Boulahia, C Aidi, A Chami, A Belheouane, S.T Rahmani, K Roubeche. The 13 July 2019 Mw 5.0 Jijel Earthquake, northern Algeria: An indicator of active deformation along the eastern Algerian margin. Journal of African Earth Sciences. V 177, p 104149. 2021.
AbdelKarim Yelles-Chaouche, Chafik Aidi, Hamoud Beldjoudi, Issam Abacha, Adel Chami, Oualid Boulahia, Yahia Mohammedi, Redouane Chimouni, Abdelaziz Kherroubi, Azouaou Alilli, Hichem Bendjama. The recent seismicity of northern Algeria: the 2006–2020 catalogue. Mediterranean Geoscience Reviews, Vol 4 , p 407-426. 2022.
Billel Melouk, Abdelkrim Yelles-Chaouche, Fethi Semmane, Juan Jose Galiana-Merino, Moho depth variation and shear wave velocity structure in northern Algeria from joint inversion of P-wave receiver functions and Rayleigh wave dispersion data, Geophysical Journal International, Volume 233, Issue 2, May 2023, Pages 1229 1244,
Dr Abacha Issam
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Yelles-Chaouche, A.K., Abacha, I., Boulahia, O., Aidi, C., Chami, A., Belheouane, O., Rahmani, S.T., and Roubeche, K. The 13 July 2019 Mw 5.0 Jijel Earthquake, northern Algeria: An indicator of active deformation along the eastern Algerian margin. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 177, 104149 (2021).
Bendjama, H., Yelles-Chaouche, A.K., Boulahia, O., Abacha, I., Mohammedi, Y., Beldjoudi, H., Rahmani, S.T., and Belheouane, O. The March 2017 earthquake sequence along the E-W- trending Mcid Aïcha-Debbagh Fault, northeast Algeria. Geosciences Journal (2021).
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AbdelKarim Yelles‑Chaouche, Chafik Aidi, Hamoud Beldjoudi, Issam Abacha, Adel Chami, Oualid Boulahia, Yahia Mohammedi, Redouane Chimouni, Abdelaziz Kherroubi, Azouaou Alilli1, Hichem Bendjama (2022). The recent seismicity of northern Algeria: the 2006–2020 catalogue. Mediterranean Geoscience Reviews.
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Dr Derder Mohamed El Messaoud
Dr Maouche Said
Dr Benhallou Amel Zoulikha
Dr Debabha Faiza
Dr Neouar Omar Benyoucef
Mr Slim Hocine
Mr Anad Fatma
Mr Benghanem Karima
Dr Daifallah Khalil
Dr Nait Amor Samir
Dr Ikhlef Rabah
Dr Kerrache Fethia
Mr Baba Aissa Djounai
Mr Boudiba Ghoulam Imad Eddine
Dr Yellaes Chaouch Lotfi
Dr Bouyahiaoui Zineddine
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Page en cours de construction
Dr Bellalem Fouzi
Bellalem, F., Talbi, A., Maouche, S., Mobarki, M. (2023). Analysis of statistical features of the Parametric Earthquake Catalog forAlgeria and Adjacent Regions (PECAAR): case of the maximum magnitude estimation in northern Algeria. Med. Geosc. Rev.5, 63–76(2023).
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Bellalem, F., Mobarki, M., Baddari, K., Djeddi, Mabrouk (2008) Éléments d'analyse de microsismicité pour des expériences hydrauliques. Cas de l'expérience de stimulation Hydraulique du 13 au 23 septembre 2004 (Soultz-Sous-Forêts, Bas-Rhin, France) éventuelle Application en Algérie. Bulletin du Service Géologique National Vol. 19, n° 1, pp. 87 – 99.
Dr Hellal Nassim
Dr Adjiri Seifeddine
Dr Gharbi Sofiane
Dr Heddar Aicha